Worship at the Old Latin School

While the majority of the events taking place at the Old Latin School will be designed by the visiting groups using the facility, the OLS will occasionally offer programs. For example, the “Reformation World Exhibition” in 2017 provided special opportunities for visitors to the Old Latin School. As these programs and events become available, they will be posted on the website and Facebook page.
We would especially like to invite everyone to attend the Divine Services in the chapel of the Old Latin School, which are regularly held on the first and third Saturday of the month at 4:00 P.M. and every Sunday morning at 8:30am. Our managing director, Rev. Dr. Wilehlm Weber and various pastors of the Independent Evangelical Lutheran Church (SELK) lead the services following the historic Lutheran liturgy. (Entrance at the back door through our historic portal, directly across from the city church)