“The Wittenberg Project is about Gospel ministry,” said LCMS missionary Rev. David Mahsman, managing director of the International Lutheran Society of Wittenberg.
Tremendous progress is happening with the renovation of the 450-year-old Old Latin School in Wittenberg, Germany. The Old Latin School is the home base for The Wittenberg Project, a special venue where Lutherans from around the world can come to learn the true story of the Reformation, and from which Lutherans will reach out with the Gospel to those in the region who do not know Jesus.
Much of the exterior work on the new education and outreach center has been completed as the May grand opening draws closer. You can see the progress and follow the changes taking place because of people’s generosity through photographs and news updates at www.thewittenbergproject.org.
If your congregation is already supporting the project, thank you. If not, we want your congregation, school or group to play a vitally important part in this exciting and historic mission effort.
Below is a resolution for you to personalize and use to join the “Reformation 500 Club,” a special community of 500 congregations and schools that commit to raising $500 or more in the next year to help complete the renovation of the Old Latin School ahead of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation in 2017. Members of the Reformation 500 Club also will have their gifts matched dollar-for-dollar by a special friend of the project, up to a total of $250,000.
We’re well on our way to having the Old Latin School ready for its May 3, 2015, dedication. We want you to be part of this exciting project!
To Support The Wittenberg Project through
membership in the Reformation 500 Club
WHEREAS, on Oct. 31, 1517, Dr. Martin Luther sparked the Reformation when he posted 95 Theses against the abuse of indulgences on the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany; and
WHEREAS, God used Dr. Martin Luther, the Reformation and Wittenberg to restore the pure and saving Gospel of Jesus Christ to His Church and to the world; and
WHEREAS, we give thanks to God for preserving His Gospel and for calling us into His kingdom through it; and
WHEREAS, it is our joyful privilege as Christians to share the Good News about Jesus with those who have not heard it, at home and throughout the world; and
WHEREAS, it is also our joyful privilege as Christians to grow in our own faith through the study of God’s Word and to make it possible for others to grow in faith as well; and
WHEREAS, The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, Concordia Publishing House and Germany’s Independent Evangelical—Lutheran Church are working together through “The Wittenberg Project” in the very birthplace of the Reformation to nurture and strengthen the faith of Christians and to introduce the Christian faith to non-Christians; and
WHEREAS, The Wittenberg Project is renovating Wittenberg’s historic Old Latin School of 1564 as a Christian education and outreach center that will attract students and visitors, promote confessional Lutheran theology, and open doors to Gospel outreach and works of mercy; and
WHEREAS, The Wittenberg Project will provide a place and opportunity for planting a Lutheran congregation in a city and region where only 15 to 18 percent of the residents even profess to be Christian; and
WHEREAS, The Wittenberg Project will provide a regular gathering point for education and encouragement to faithful Lutherans worldwide to confess clearly the Gospel of Jesus Christ, even in the face of opposition and challenges; and
WHEREAS, the 2013 convention of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod voted by acclamation to “encourage all congregations and individuals within the Synod to support The Wittenberg Project prayerfully and financially” (2013 Res. 1-07B); and
WHEREAS, Lutheran congregations, schools and church groups are invited to provide such support through membership in the “Reformation 500 Club”; therefore be it
Resolved, that (name of congregation, school or church group) accept the invitation to join the Reformation 500 Club, pledge to raise at least $500 for The Wittenberg Project and pray regularly for God’s blessing upon the project; and be it further
Resolved, that members be kept informed of The Wittenberg Project’s progress; and be it finally
Resolved, that all thanks and praise be to God for the precious Good News proclaimed by Dr. Martin Luther and the Reformation that we are saved by grace alone, through faith alone, on account of Christ alone.
You may download the Reformation 500 Club enrollment form and flier,view videos about The Wittenberg Project and follow fundraising and renovation progress. For more details, contact Patty Mainer at LCMS Mission Advancement at 800-248-1930, Ext. 1661 orpatty.mainer@lcms.org.
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