The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, walking alongside our German partner church, the Independent Evangelical Lutheran Church (SELK), and the International Lutheran Society of Wittenberg (ILSW), envisions a modern, renovated facility serving as a home for global confessing Lutherans. If there is a time for education and a time for Lutheran teaching, that time is now, and these two cardinal and coveted characteristics of confessing Lutheranism – teaching and education – harmonize perfectly with the Wittenberg Project.
The vision of establishing a distinctly Lutheran presence in the very cradle of the Reformation has been on my heart and mind for some time. As we anticipate the 2017 celebration, I propose the renovation and transformation of the Old Latin School in Wittenberg, Germany. The Wittenberg Project will provide the place, the opportunity and the inspiration for people to learn about Luther. It will give the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod a unique venue to help us share the Gospel that Luther rediscovered in the 16th century – Gospel that our world desperately needs to hear today.
Join me in realizing the vision of a distinctly Lutheran presence in Wittenberg.
Dr. Matthew C. Harrison
President Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod
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